Purpose: Investigating the triple effect of doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil, propranolol\non MCF-7 (ER+, WTp53) breast cancer cell line with MTT test and\nsurvival analysis. Materials/Methods: In order to determine effective dosages\nof a combination of doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil, propranolol on the MCF-7\ncell line by using MTT and survival analysis technique. Result: IC50 values\nacquired by MTT tests are 0.01 mg/ml for doxorubicin, 6 mg/ml for\n5-fluorouracil, 30 mg/ml for propranolol and 0.2/1/30 mg/ml (with previous\nrespect) if all three agents are combined. It is found that the use of doxorubicin,\n5-fluorouracil, and propranolol in combination is much effective than\ntheir single application. Discussion: Moderate concentrations of doxorubicin,\n5-fluorouracil, and propranolol, if they are applied individually, showed\nhigh toxicity. When we used these drugs in combination; toxic effects lessened\nwith respect to monotherapy. In the MCF-7 cell line, doxorubicin (IC50:0.01microM)\n increases cell death rates significantly and propranolol (IC50: 3 microM)\nhas minimum effects in monotherapy in contrast to others. Propranolol is\nonly superior to itself in combination therapy (IC50: 4 microM). However\n5-fluorouracil (IC50: 30 microM) showed antagonistic effects with respect to other\ndrugs. Additionally, having applied the three drugs in combination on the\nMCF-7 cell line for the first time in literature, it is highly possible to assess the\napplication of doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil and propranolol combination as a\nnovel therapy option.